It is just under a week ago that 45 of us from Sargent Park School attended We Day in Winnipeg. What a wonderful event. If your city does not have a We Day I highly recommend becoming a Free the Children School and traveling to the closest city that has one. It is a life changing event for many students.
Starting early in the morning the students arrived at school and prepared to go to the MTS Centre.
cc licensed flickr photo shared by charbeck10
We decided to go by transit bus due to the ease of getting to and from downtown. This proved to be the right decision. The bus picked us up right out side the school and had us at We Day in under 15 minutes. Yeah bring on We Day.
Before the concert the students went to the various t shirt outlets and souvenir kiosks and purchased many items to remember We Day. These souvenirs would go with the We Day shirts we created at school. Being dressed as a team was a gave us that togetherness feeling.
cc licensed flickr photo shared by charbeck10
It should be noted that other divisions bought tshirts for their entire crew that went to We Day. These florescent yellow shirts really glowed in the black light of the arena and would be standing out on TV and the simulcast.
cc licensed flickr photo shared by charbeck10
We Day then started in earnest. This concert was designed for youth. It was amazing. You had 5 to 6 minutes of high energy music and dancing followed by a short video and then a speaker. This kept the attention of all those in the audience. Amazing messages were soaked in by all the students in the audience.
Memorable speakers were The Honorable Paul Martin, Mia Farrow, Hannah Taylor, and Rick Hansen. But it was Spencer West and the Kielburger Brothers. The ability of these speakers to stir emotions inside todays teens and make them want to be agents of change shows the power of the day.
cc licensed flickr photo shared by charbeck10
cc licensed flickr photo shared by charbeck10
Kids walked out of the Arena wanting to do more. Asking questions about how they were going to change things at school, in their community and around the globe.
Arriving back at the school we had a debriefing session and started with the next stage of this process. The Vow of Silence.
This will take place on November 30. Our goal, to silence our school, raise $500 and stand in solidarity with those who do not have a voice around the world.
cc licensed flickr photo shared by charbeck10
Updates to follow!